IT Services & Technology Solution Services

IT Services YittBox
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“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it”. ~Simon Sinek.

A huge fan of Simon Sinek, YittBox was started and runs on the same business philosophy and therefore, we start with “Why”.

IT Services Company

Who Are We

YittBox started with one individual trying out the “GIG-Economy” freelancing. The company quickly expanded. We provide freelancing IT services and focuses on small- medium-sized businesses. There is an inherent void in the small to medium-sized market with needing customized IT solutions but not ready to spend the “Big IT” prices on consulting for “Off-the-shelf” solutions. Within a span of a year, a team of individuals had been hired and the freelancing services evolved and were established as YittBox and quickly evolving to fill that void.

Reliable IT Partners

Why We Exist

In our years of experience, we believe the small-mid size market does not have competent, affordable, reliable IT partners. The big 5 IT consulting firms cater to fortune 100 companies as the norm but we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking outside the box and enabling the small to mid-sized market to compete.

Expert Level Services

How Do We Do it

The way we enable the small-mid size market to compete is by offering a wide range of Expert level services at a competitive price. Each project has one individual assigned as the Customer Success Manager whose sole purpose is to ensure you succeed.

High Level of Expertise

What We Do

We cater to small to mid-sized companies with a variety of IT Services. We provide these services at a reasonable rate, but with an extraordinarily high level of expertise. Want to see how we can help you?

Rock And Ralph

Rock N' Ralph

Rock N' Ralph is the name of our mascot company vehicle. This jeep travels the country spreading the word about YittBox and the great work we do.

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HellFire TrailCat

HellFire TrailCat

HellFire TrailCat is the name of our other mascot company vehicle. This jeep travels the country with Rock N’ Ralph spreading the word about YittBox and the great work we do.

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