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Simplify Your Process with a Mobile Application

It’s indeed a milestone for YittBox to help small and mid-sized businesses and startups to leverage the benefits of mobile app development. Our high-skilled developers offer comprehensive mobile solutions for your business, and we take a cohesive approach to help scale your business at the most affordable costs where you can’t afford to invest in huge IT services.

How We Can Help

A Mobile Application is vital in helping a business on path of growth. At YittBox, we provide different mobile application development professional services including:

Native App Development (Android & iOS)

Native App Development (Android & iOS)

Native App Development is creating software programs or mobile apps that run exclusively on specific devices or only on a single platform. A native app can be developed for desktops, smart TVs, and smartphones in particular. Speaking of developing native apps for mobile devices, apps don’t run in browsers the way they run in websites and web applications. They should be downloaded from specific platforms like Google Play and Apple’s App Store to access them from your mobile screen. Since native apps are designed and developed for a specific platform, they deliver an exceptional user experience since the visuals are customized to the platform’s UX.

YittBox offers proficient services related to native app development that enable businesses to carve a well-defined growth path and drive home revolutionary advantages. For one, native app development gives a consistent look and feel due to the use of native software development kits. This ensures an enhanced user experience and prevents discrepancies between the OS and the app design.

Additionally, native mobile apps have the freedom to access the latest Android or iOS features instantly. Businesses also experience better compliance with app store guidelines due to their independent architecture.

Native app development for Android combines several third-party solutions to create apps on both PCs and Macs. A collection of pre-made Android components in Android Jetpack empower businesses to tap the full potential of this feature.

Native app development for iOS uses remarkable third-party developer tools like AppCode and CodeRunner to create apps on the iOS platform alone. The latest App Store guidelines are pretty strict, and YittBox helps you navigate the platform by ensuring exceptional performance with enhanced security and encouraging the inclusion of valuable content.

Hybrid App Development (React Native & Flutter)

Hybrid App Development (React Native & Flutter)

As the name suggests, hybrid apps are a combination of both web and native mobile applications. In other words, it involves the creation of apps that can run on multiple operating systems, including Android, iOS, and Windows. When developers create hybrid apps, they create a single code bar to enable the apps to run seamlessly across all platforms. This makes hybrid app development easier to create and are cost-effective due to the shorter development timeframe and their exceptional ability to scale many platforms.

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework developed by Facebook and is used by app developers to create mobile and web applications. Flutter is the open-source UI software development kit designed by Google for mobile, desktop, and web applications, all by using the same codebase.

React Native is much easier to learn since the JavaScript is easy to understand and debug. You’ll enjoy a more straightforward approach to developing apps, though the chances of error are drawbacks. Facebook helps combat this downside by including a flow checker to include annotations on JavaScript that identifies undesirable acts.

Flutter includes a custom brand design that makes it practical to use. However, the material design is the only added feature compared to React Native. YittBox exclusive services for mobile app development help businesses strike the perfect balance between React Native and Flutter to ensure they enjoy optimal advantages to drive business performance and achieve different goals and objectives.

Implementing Firebase (Database, Notification, etc.)

Implementing Firebase (Database, Notification, etc.)

Firebase is a backend-as-a-service (BaaS) feature that enables developers to use a variety of tools and services to create high-quality apps. It’s built on Google’s infrastructure. It’s a NoSQL database program that stores data in JavaScript Object Notation documents for storing and efficiently transporting data from a server to a web page. Data is synced across all devices in real-time, and it’s accessible by clients and users even when the app goes offline.

Firebase lets you send notifications without additional coding, and it supports authentication using your passwords, phone numbers, and social media platforms with effortless ease.

YittBox detailed knowledge with practical expertise in designing mobile app development for several small and mid-sized businesses helps users send three types of messages via exclusive Firebase Cloud Messaging service.

  1. Notification Message
    The Firebase SDK handles these messages containing a title, the message, and an icon. These messages are sent from the Firebase console UI, and the user doesn’t have much control over it since the message will display instantly as the app is playing in the background.
  2. Data Message
    Data messages are handled by the Android App that lets users send additional data with the message. Data message need server support to send the notification via Firebase API.
  3. Messages featuring both notification and data payload
    These types of message are handled in two scenarios, including background and foreground. These messages use both the notification and data keys. In the background, the app receives the notification payload in the notification tray that handles only the payload whenever a user taps on the notification. Whereas in the foreground, the app receives a message with both payloads.


PowerApps is the exclusive go-to service by Microsoft that lets you build professional-grade, low-code apps to provide better solutions and scale productivity. While the service provides extended capabilities for developers, anyone without an IT or coding background can build powerful apps to revolutionize business processes and resolve challenges easily without compromising on security. The pre-built AI capabilities provide enhanced functionality and the flexibility to cater to dynamic business needs. These applications can be tailored to either Mobile Phone layouts, or Tablet/Desktop layouts, and even include Portal applications that can be built into webpages.

Our team can help you, including:

  • Complete applications that you don’t have time to complete
  • Create new applications to suit your specific needs
  • Performance troubleshooting
  • Training

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