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Get IIF statement from field Question
                                        I have inherited a database that has a number of queries that have fields defined like:
IIf(IsNull([Table1.Field1]), 0, [Table1.Field1]) AS [New Field Name]
Your code will only return the “New Field Name” portion (ie: the field name). Is there a way to get the underlying “IIf…..” statement from the field?
Thanks in advance.
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Answers (3) October 07, 2019
I'm not sure I understand this question; First, instead of the "IIF" function, I would use the "Nzz" custom function (which can be found via the "VBA Reference Library" in the YittBox Free Code section). 
test 10/10/2021 11:39:52 PM
neo.fathur October 15, 2019
Hello. Can you kindly clarify which code you're referring to? If you want to extract SQL string from a query in your database, you could use code below:
Furthermore, if you want to extract only the SELECT statement, you could utilize GetWordsBetween procedure (which can be found via the "VBA Reference Library" in the YittBox Free Code section) like:
     GetWordsBetween(CurrentDB.QueryDefs("YourQueryName").SQL,"SELECT ","FROM ")
Please let us know whether it answered your question. T.Hanks
Username 6/12/2020 11:54:57 PM
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December 19, 2022

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