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2023 SEO Updates from Google

2023 SEO Updates from Google

4/22/2023 6:17:02 PM

If you want to make your website or websites contain the number one result in your targeted search keywords, then you have to know how Google determines what is worthy of the number one spot. However, the problem is that Google is not exactly generous with the details of its ranking algorithms. Plus, the tech giant is known for making changes to the rules every now and then. But fret not, because, for 2023, there are some solid SEO games you can follow to up your game better than last year.

What’s new this year?

According to First Page Sage, an SEO firm that has been following Google’s SEO algorithm for more than a decade, the newest factor this year is Trustworthiness.

What is Trustworthiness for Google?

The Trustworthiness factor in Google’s SEO algorithm looks for facts in a website’s content. This factor is added after Google filed a patent for an AI technology that determines if the advice offered on financial and health topics does offer factual content to its audience.

To make sure you strike the Trustworthiness factor out on your list, you must cite academic sources when you can and avoid citing unproven claims within your content.

What are the other factors?

The rest of the factors are petty much the same as in the past year. And in case you forgot them, here is a rundown of what to keep doing this year.

Consistent publication of engaging content

The first and most crucial factor is the consistent publication of engaging content. Back in the day, backlinks were the key to ranking high on Google, but that's not the case anymore. Google now places a higher value on high-quality content that's published regularly. The search algorithm is designed to test newly published content to see if it satisfies the search intent of the keyword. If searchers find the content engaging and it satisfies their intent, then it's promoted by Google's AI.

Keywords in meta title tags

This has been important for ranking since the late 1990s. The idea is to include the keywords that you want to target in the meta title tag of your page. This helps Google understand what your page is about and how it should be ranked in search results. However, it's important to use keywords strategically and not stuff them into your title tag unnaturally. Google looks for readability, so adding articles and adjectives can help make your title tag more readable and engaging.


Backlinks used to be the foundation of Google's algorithm, but now they're losing ground to the two factors above. That said, they're still a major factor in Google's decision of where to rank a website in search results. However, content quality should be your primary focus as it attracts links organically while simultaneously being the most important ranking factor in and of itself.

Niche expertise

Google favors websites that it perceives as niche experts. This involves having a cluster of authoritative pages revolving around the same "hub" keyword. For example, if you're a CRM company, you might have industry landing pages targeting "CRM software for small business," "CRM software for real estate," and "CRM software for manufacturing." Additionally, you might have FAQ landing pages targeting "CRM software pricing," "CRM software advantages," and "best CRM software 2023." The consistency of the hub keyword across the pages of the website creates a kind of magnetism that attracts traffic from any Google search containing the hub keyword.

The items next in the list are low in ranking factor but still have an impact on a content’s overall SEO importance. These are user engagement, mobile friendliness, page speed, site security, schema markup, keywords in the URL, keywords in the meta description, and 22 other factors.

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