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5 Dreadful Web Design Mistakes That Can Harm Your SEO

5 Dreadful Web Design Mistakes That Can Harm Your SEO

10/27/2020 3:34:31 AM

5 Dreadful Web Design Mistakes That Can Harm Your SEO

Nowadays, a website has become a requisite for every business. It’s the era of digitalization, and the first thing people prefer to see after hearing about a brand or organization is search for their website. 

When it comes to creating a website or managing one, you need to consider a lot of factors such as the design, format, color theme, layout, navigation, and so on. Definitely, a web design should be flawless and immediately catch the visitor's eye, but at the same time, it should also be SEO-friendly. 

Search engine optimization plays a great role in putting your website on the top pages of search engines, and by avoiding certain web design mistakes you can make sure your business doesn’t get lost in the search rankings. Also, if you do not have the expertise, you can always hire a renowned website development company.

Let’s have a look at the most common web design mistakes that can ruin your SEO.

Web Design Mistakes

  • Not Paying Attention to H1 Tags

Your website might have a fantastic theme, a stylish design, sophisticated colors, and user-friendly fonts. But, the search engines won’t know that if it doesn’t include the right elements and text in the code.

The necessary SEO element is having H1 tags. They tell the search engines what a particular page is about. If you include them on your site’s pages, they will improve your chances for ranking.

What to add to the H1 tags?

The H1 tags will include descriptive keywords and phrases that are searched frequently and will help drive the right traffic to your page.

  • Forgetting About Mobile Visitors

These days, almost everyone has a smartphone and there shouldn’t be any confusion at all about whether your website should be mobile responsive or not. Every website should be mobile friendly, and those that aren’t will have to suffer a lot.

According to a study, 78% of local mobile searches lead to offline sales.

Keeping the mobile version of your website should be a top priority for indexing and ranking. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile, expect it to essentially be invisible in the SERPs.

  • Poor Navigation

Navigation is one of the most critical factors of a website. While optimizing the navigation, users should keep in mind that it should be responsive on all devices including desktop, tablet, mobiles, etc.

The visitors should be able to find whatever they’ve been searching for, just by taking a glance at your site. The ideal navigation is intuitive and easy for users to navigate without a lot of hassle. The menu should take into account the overall accessibility as well as your user’s habits.

This can be achieved by working on internal linking between your services or important pages. Also, the expert website developers at YittBox can provide you with services for the same.

  • Thin and Inappropriate Content

We’ve all heard - “Content is king!”

Your website represents your business and how you can help customers or clients. If you don’t use the right words or content to showcase your services, you will never be able to grow.

This means you should decorate your website with great content, so visitors are attracted to it and know exactly what you offer. Keep in mind that little or stale content doesn’t rank well.

To make it SEO-friendly, make sure to use relevant keywords and update your website frequently.

  • Annoying Pop-Ups

Sure, pop-ups are a great way to inform visitors about the latest services or offers, but if used in an incorrect manner they can make the potential customers leave immediately.

According to Google, websites with annoying pop-ups will have trouble ranking high on the SERPs.

What can you do?

Add popups that your audience will love. You should build high-converting pop-ups that won’t annoy them. For instance, you can time a pop-up to appear once a visitor has spent at least 30 seconds on your site, and it doesn’t appear as soon as they visit.


Whether you are trying to figure out why your site isn’t getting results, planning on a redesign, or working on building a new site, keep this list of common design mistakes in mind. Do not let a ton of your time and efforts go wasted by forgetting the SEO and technical parts.

For the best website design and development services, you can get in touch with us today!

Comments   3 Comments

SwiftChat Live Chat App 10/28/2020 5:16:36 AM
Avoiding web design mistakes is essential if you want to get ahead of your competition.
Robert 2/4/2021 12:23:38 AM
Lack of Contact information is the most common mistake!  Web design can have a great impact on SEO. If your website is complex and difficult to browse different page then users might get trouble to use to the site. They go away from the website leaving a bad impression towards your company. This makes your website unimpressive with an adverse effect on web page ranking.  Website is a long term investment, so you should pay special care and attention to your website design.

 Robert Miler
 Technical SEO Consultant
Digibiz Guru 2/27/2021 5:38:19 PM
I think internal links are another important factor

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