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Best DevOps Tools You Must Know

Best DevOps Tools You Must Know

1/6/2021 12:02:26 AM

Best DevOps Tools You Must Know

DevOps Tools have seen significant growth all over the world and has been integrated into major industries such as finance, e-commerce, healthcare, insurance, manufacturing, banking, etc. Many organizations are taking the assistance of DevOps to increase their profit and productivity.

DevOps is the culmination of practices, tools, and cultural philosophies that can increase the ability of an organization to deliver different services and applications at a fast pace. For using DevOps in your organization, you would first have to know about some of the best DevOps tools.
Let us look at some of the best DevOps tools as mentioned below-

Top DevOps Tools

1. Jenkins
One of the most used DevOps tools is Jenkins, which is an open-source server. There are multiple plug-ins offered by the tool that helps in building, deploying, and automating projects. Frequent tasks are monitored using this tool so that any changes in the project can be integrated and searched for problems.

Key Features

  • CD and CI supported
  • Several plug-ins are offered by the tools for building and testing different projects
  • Maintenance of the tool is not much since it is automated
  • Installation and configuration of the tool is easy
  • Concurrency is improved by distributing all the tasks to several devices

2. Selenium
Another very widely used DevOps tool is Selenium used as a framework for software testing for web applications. This tool is accurate, fast, and effective as needed by DevOps resources. One major aspect of the tools is their test automation at full-scale. This tool can be used in both Android as well as iOS.

Key Features

  • Can be effectively used on several platforms such as Android and iOS
  • Uses several languages such as Ruby, C#, JavaScript, Java, Perl, PHP, etc.
  • The tool is free for use since it is open-source
  • Admin tasks that are web-based are automated
  • Web applications for testing are automated

3. Docker
Docker is another tool that is used to build, test, and deploy different applications instantly. This is a PaaS technology that delivers software by leveraging OS-level virtualization. This is a very lightweight tool and uses containers with the necessary requisites before it is shipped as a cumulative package.

Key Features

  • Uses containers along with programming language
  • Zero downtime and high-end scalability
  • Applications can be isolated into separate containers
  • Virtual machines are not needed
  • Configuration and setup is not required for testing or deploying each time
  • The container can be shipped to any location if needed
  • Distributed development is supported by the tool

4. Kubernetes
Kubernetes is a tool that Google heads and is container orchestration software. Using this software, containerized applications can be deployed to a device cluster, and this distribution is automated. This tool is perfect to be used for large projects. In short, Kubernetes is a cluster management software.

Key Features

  • Automatic distribution helps in deploying facilities to different devices
  • Container orchestration software
  • Helps in reporting services controls using Serverless computing, Microservices, and others
  • The tool provides reliability and gives development speed
  • Deployment, management, and scaling of the container applications is made easy with this tool
  • Can be used effectively in large projects across different team clusters

DevOps Tools: Summing Up

There are many other DevOps tools, such as Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Gradle, GitHub, Consul, and many others. You can use any of these tools for reporting services controls and other facilities. While some tools are suitable for small projects, some can handle larger and more complicated projects.
Most of these tools are open-source, which means you do not have to subscribe or register to use their versions. They are free to use and can be easily installed and configured. Make sure that you choose the tool based on the project that you will be using it for.

Comments   4 Comments

Robert 2/3/2021 5:21:52 AM
Awesome collections of DevOps tools. DevOps reduces software delivery times, improves application quality, and enhances the productivity of the development and operations teams. It's an remarkable piece of writing in favour of all the internet users; they will get advantage from this I am certain. 

     - - - - - - - - -
    Technical SEO Consultant
3/18/2021 7:41:06 AM
Very useful information
Yash 3/18/2021 7:43:06 AM
Very useful information around DevOps tools.
3/18/2021 7:44:04 AM
Very useful information

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