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Choosing the Right Social Media Platform for Your Business

Choosing the Right Social Media Platform for Your Business

7/20/2021 11:00:26 AM

Choosing the Right Social Media Platform for Your Business

Social Media Platforms Marketing is one of the most powerful tools to grab the attention of your target audience, increase brand awareness, gain customer loyalty, and much more. Whether you are a large organization or a small growing business, your social media presence acts as the face of your business. In order to make it a success, you need to choose the right social media platform according to your niche. Through effective social media marketing plans and strategies, you can not only promote your brand but also cater to the needs of your customers in a more personalized way. 90 percent of marketers consider Social Media Marketing has helped them gain better reach and engagement for their businesses.

The most commonly used social media platforms include:

The List of Social Media Platforms:

FACEBOOK: To date, if we talk about numbers, Facebook has the maximum number of people on its database. It is said to have around 2.85 billion monthly active users, making it the biggest social media network worldwide. Thus, people of every age group are present on this platform. Worldwide, it is the most widely used content distribution channel by marketers. You can take advantage of Facebook Ads, Messenger, and Shops functionality to cater to the needs of your audience.

TWITTER: Twitter can be a major contributor to increasing brand awareness for your business. It uses hashtags and you can search trending hashtags to build your post content according to these hashtags. It provides the latest and real-time news and updates to its audience.

INSTAGRAM: Instagram is popular amongst younger audiences and it is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms. It is most widely used by businesses dealing in food, art, travel, retail as well as beauty. But, it can benefit your business as well depending on the use you make of it. You can run Instagram Ads, add stories to your profile, post reels and try many more such features offered by this platform to gain reach and engagement.

LINKEDIN: LinkedIn is the most widely used social media platform by professionals for networking, keeping up to date with the latest industry trends as well as finding good jobs. All the major industry players, as well as small businesses, must have their presence on this platform. It is most effective in generating B2B leads, general networking, and hiring employees. The uniqueness of this platform lies in the fact that it has a narrow focus.

YOUTUBE: It is the second most widely used search engine after Google and has around 2.3 billion monthly active users. Like Facebook, it consists of users of almost every age group. You even do not need to Signup on this platform to watch a video of your interest. Educational, How To, Tips and Tricks, DIY, Marketing, Cooking and the list goes on. You can find videos related to these as well as a number of topics of your interest on this platform. Videos are more engaging and appealing as compared to other graphics.

PINTEREST: This platform works on the concept of pinning posts. Infographics to a virtual bulletin board. It is most popular among the young female population worldwide and it is a visual-based platform, so you need strong graphics to engage the users. If used wisely, this platform can lead to increased website traffic and in turn, increased sales.

So, you need to buckle up and start working on the below given key factors to make social media work wonders for your business.

How to start working on Social Media Platforms

1.)  Do research about your target audience.

First and foremost, you need to find your target audience from the pool of users active on different social media platforms.

You need to find answers to a few of the questions are given below:

a)         Who is your ideal customer?

b)        How old must they be?

c)         Which type of gender your the business focuses on?

d)        What is their average income and education level?

e)         What are their areas of interest other than your product and business?

The answer to these questions can help you frame the type of audience which you would like to target.

2.)   Depending upon your type of business, choose a goal for implementing your social media marketing strategy.

Once you know your target audience, the next step is to define your goals in order to gain the attention of this audience, and then you can design your social media marketing strategy and start implementing it. The major goal for a business is to get website traffic and increase its sales. Some businesses focus only on brand awareness, others focus on one-to-one communication with their clients. So, the goals vary from one business type to another.

3.)  Define your Target Audience.

After finding your target audience and setting goals, the next important step is to choose the right social media platform for your business promotion. As young users would be majorly present on Instagram and Pinterest, professionals for B2B marketing can be found on Linkedin and so on.

4.)  Do competitor analysis.

Once you are done with the above steps, the next step would be to do competitor analysis. In today’s digital marketing well, in order to perform the best and be one step ahead in your niche, you need to know how your competitors are performing and what led to their success as well as a downfall.

5.)  Run your organic and paid campaigns, monitor their performance.

A successful social media marketing campaign is that which after running is monitored by its marketers for improving its performance and using tools and techniques in order to optimize these campaigns to get better reach and thus better ROI(Return On Investment).

6.)  Do A/B Testing. 

Many businesses don’t even know about A/B testing and thus fail to make use of this efficient tool to gain insights into their campaign performance and deliver better results. Your focus should be on this step and it will surely help you get a better reach, engagement, and user satisfaction. Try experimenting with different content, tag lines, headlines, stories, graphics, and short-videos ideas.

7.)  Continue working towards those social media platforms that work best for your business.

Once you start following the above-mentioned steps, social media marketing starts giving you the desired results. Just focus more on those best practices that work for your business in a positive way and exclude those platforms and techniques that do not work well. 

Key Takeaway

Social media is a crucial tool for any business that needs to stay appropriate and acquire openness on the web, in light of the fact that not exclusively would it be able to interface you with possibilities who are directly nearby, yet it can likewise help you contact individuals all over the globe. Past that, social media is additionally a phenomenal instrument for building brand mindfulness, discovering new leads, producing more site traffic, becoming acquainted with your crowd better, acquiring knowledge into the shopping propensities for your best clients, and surprisingly further developing your client support. Lastly, in order to be successful on an unexpected platform, just try to stay tuned to the tastes of your audience.






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