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Running Instagram Ads: How Does it Work?

Running Instagram Ads: How Does it Work?

1/5/2023 3:46:07 PM

Today, we will discuss "Running Instagram Ads: How Does it Work?" Instagram started out as a simple photo-sharing platform on the Internet. However, over the years, it has grown to be a nest for influencers, models, and celebrities. It is now this great big arena for advertisements.

It has its own specific market when it comes to ads since not all demographics use Instagram. Still, it’s a big platform that offers a huge revenue potential for businesses that fit its target categories. And if you haven’t started advertising on Instagram yet, you’re missing out on a lot. Learn more below.

What are Instagram Ads?


One of the best practices in Instagram advertising utilizes the very unique nature of the platform–things like fame and a big following. Instagram is the territory of the online famous, and so most brands go for celebrity endorsement and partnerships as the most popular way to promote a product or service.

It simply works by contacting an Instagram celebrity and asking them to advertise a product using different modes–a photo, a video, a shoutout, and more. Typically, these celebrities have their own packages or tier levels to offer to brands.

Photo and video ads

Other methods of advertising on the platform are pretty straightforward. A simple photo or video could pass as one, provided it has a captivating visual and a killer copy to pair it with.

Sponsored ads

This feature is available to Instagram Business accounts. It allows business ads to show up in the feeds of the target audience, boosting brand awareness and widening reach. These ads are paid and contain a visual with a link that redirects a user to the e-commerce site, website, or Instagram profile of the brand itself.

Story ads

Stories are a hit feature on the platform. The majority of users upload stories on their Instagram profiles at least twice a week. The fact that they disappear after 24 hours, however, requires businesses to be creative with the visuals and text that they use. Usually, these story ads have this “swipe up” feature that backlinks to the content the story promotes or the website of the business.

These are just some of the most used forms of Instagram ads, but you could explore other options like IGTV ads and carousel ads.

How to run Instagram ads?

Running Instagram ads is made easy by Facebook’s Ads Manager. You simply have to link your Instagram and Facebook business accounts to get started.

On Ads Manager, click on “Create” then select your campaign objective. It could be brand awareness, reach, traffic, engagement, app installs, conversions, and more. You have to know the ultimate goal you want to achieve with your ad.

Next, select where you want users to be redirected when they click on your ad. It could be your website, an app, Messenger, or WhatsApp depending on the campaign objective you choose.

The next part is targeting customers. For this, you can create a custom profile to guide where your ads should show up.

Next, you define where your ads show up. You can manually select the options or let Facebook do it for you. Finally, you set up a budget and an ad schedule and let the ad run its course.


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