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The top productivity apps from Microsoft in 2023

The top productivity apps from Microsoft in 2023

5/20/2023 1:13:55 PM

If there is one good thing about the pandemic, it’s the impact it had in establishing remote work as a legitimate means to contribute to a business. However, it did not come without problems. For some workers, it is more difficult to focus on tasks, especially because there is a blurring of the line that separates personal life from work life. It’s hard to be productive and have drive when you’re working alone. Coming to the rescue is software intended to boost workers’ productivity wherever they may be. The following are some of the best productivity apps from the tech giant Microsoft.

Microsoft To-Do

Microsoft To-Do is just like your regular pen and paper, your normal to-do notes. But what makes it better is that you can add tasks under one organization or team. This way, you don’t have to message a teammate once a task is done on your end.

As a team leader, you can also assign tasks to certain team members, add a due date, and add a reminder. You can also attach files to each task for better organization.

You can also make a personal list, of course. These ones are not visible to the team and only to you. To-Do makes this adorable sound once you tick off a task from the list. It’s like a little pat on the back for a job well done. Plus, it’s satisfying to see all tasks move to the “completed” list as you move along your workday.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a platform where you can communicate, collaborate, and share files with your team. Virtual meetings have never been easier. If you are feeling alone, a virtual office is always an option. You can keep the meeting on throughout your work day so you don’t feel like you are working alone and far from your team.

Easily record meetings with a click. Find files, conversations, and links with just a few clicks using list the search function of Teams.


Need to edit documents simultaneously? That’s easy with Sharepoint. It’s a document collaboration and management platform. You probably know the feeling of trying to find a document using keywords on a chat's search function. Sometimes, you have to get creative and dig deep in the pockets of your memory to come up with the closest possible keyword. While that is fun, it’s also time-consuming.

Sharepoint allows organizations to create an intranet to organize all documents. Subsites can be created to further make organizing files better. One subsite can be used for each department, for example. And each subsite can have content libraries and lists under it.

The beauty of using Microsoft apps for all your productivity needs boils down to seamless integration. For example, sending a document link in Teams uploads it to Sharepoint so that everybody has access to it. With a subscription to Microsoft Office 365, organizations enjoy seamless compatibility across Microsoft products including Office and the apps above.

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