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Top 5 Essential Elements of a Good Business Website

Top 5 Essential Elements of a Good Business Website

8/16/2020 10:09:22 PM

Top 5 Essential Elements of a Good Business Website

“94% of first impressions relate to your site’s web design.”


We are living in a digital world, and having a website is crucial for any type of business. It is the center of your organization’s online presence and can be used to accomplish various marketing strategies to help your business grow.

Most importantly, an impressive website allows you to market your business online, enables you to establish credibility, increases the scope to represent your customer - why they should trust you, and the testimonials and facts to back up those opportunities.

If you have a business and don’t have a website, you are probably losing out on opportunities for your business. But if you already have a website, and it’s misdesigned, you’re missing a lot more than you can even think of! Don’t worry; here, we at YittBox have a team of expert website developers who can offer the best guidance to boost your business with an online presence.


To know how to make your website more engaging, have a look at the must-have elements for a successful business site. 

Impressive Layout

The first and foremost thing for a great website is to organize everything systematically. It needs to be easy on the eyes, and the visitors shouldn’t feel like solving a puzzle while searching for something.

Plus, you should make sure that the layout looks perfect on all devices. New research indicates that around half of all web traffic now comes from mobile phones, and 85% of adults think that the mobile version of a website should be as good as, if not better, than the desktop version.


For custom website development, you can get in touch with us. 

Clear Descriptions

The purpose of your website is to let people know about your services, or whatever work you do. When an individual stumbles upon your site, they shouldn't have to do investigative work to figure out what, exactly, is your business related to.

There should be a proper description of services provided or products offered, and so on. It should be detailed enough to keep visitors engaged for a longer time. Also, you should not miss mentioning the contact information, and it should be somewhere on the homepage. 

Fresh and Engaging Content

Keeping your website updated with great content has become more and more critical, exponentially so over the last decade. Gone are the days, when you used to build a great company, invest some money into marketing, and the rest would just sort itself out.

With the sheer amount of competition found in the digital world these days, this has become very hard to pull off. You can add a blog tab on your site where you can post informational content related to your organization from time to time. It allows you to reinforce your branding and be influential in convincing potential customers. 


Your website won't do you as much good if no one can find it. Become familiar with the SEO basics to make it more accessible by the search engine. By taking advantage of the various techniques, you can make your website rank on the first pages of search engines like Google.

You can keep your web pages optimized by: 

-       Using the right keywords

-       Correctly naming the page titles and URLs

-       Writing the proper meta tags

-       Putting images, videos, and more.


Call To Action

CTAs or calls to action can be of many types. The simplest ones could be similar to the one displayed at the end of this article, and simply be a page that explains the customers about the next step.

Your website should guide the visitors on how to buy your product or services. Call to action is important to turn a website visitor into a business lead or conversion.


Summing Up

There are a plethora of ways to make an attractive website. Next time when you think of updating your business site, keep in mind the above essential elements to boost visitors. Also, you can always hire a website development company, and let the experts handle your online presence while you focus on other critical areas of your company!

Comments   1 Comments

Robert 1/15/2021 12:25:43 AM
I agree with your views, One of the most surprising facts about generating traffic on a website is that your website should have the potential to impress the visitor within the first 10 seconds he or she visits your website. Actually, these moments are very valuable because over 90% of visitors take an immediate decision about you and your website by watching the home page.

Technical SEO Consultant


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