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Top 5 Technologies For Creating Robust Mobile Apps

Top 5 Technologies For Creating Robust Mobile Apps

8/4/2021 9:18:46 AM

Top 5 Technologies For Creating Robust Mobile Apps

The blog "Top 5 Technologies For Creating Robust Mobile Apps" is here to make you aware of the latest technologies which are used in creating robust mobile apps.

Top 5 Technologies For Creating Robust Mobile Apps : An Introduction

In this digital age, nobody can deny how smartphones have become quintessential for people of all age groups. Right from the time we get up in the morning till we go to bed at night time, we all use our smartphones more than a hundred times to keep checking our social media accounts, office work, emails, listening to songs, chatting with our loved ones, playing games, doing online shopping, buying grocery, paying bills, etc. All these things involve using mobile apps, which has led to a great increase in the Mobile App Development industry. The ease these apps have brought into our lives has made us highly dependent on them for doing our daily tasks to a great extent.

Developing a mobile app using the right tools and technologies forms an important part as it is the base on which the app will be developed and stay up and running. Users want engaging and user-friendly apps that will help them in getting things done. So, this also led to huge competition amongst various mobile app development companies, which will keep on going on and on. It is estimated that more than 90% of mobile users make use of apps to accomplish things and also spend their maximum time on mobile phones. Thus, you need to make much effort to make the best mobile apps to grab the online audience's attention.

In this article, you will get to know in detail about the top 5 most widely used technologies for building robust mobile apps.

1. Java

Java is the most widely used object-oriented programming language. Being an official language for developing Android mobile apps, it is easy to handle as well as highly secure. Most mobile app developers, as well as companies, rely on this for building robust Android Apps. It has various open-source libraries, good documentation, and community support, which enhances and eases the mobile app development experience for the developers.

Advantages of Java App Development:

1.) It supports OOPs(Object Oriented Programming) concepts, making it more flexible, extensible, and hence more competent.

2.) Being a platform-independent language, i.e., Write Once and Run Anywhere, Java has gained a lot of popularity in the Android App development field.

3.) The increasing number of Android App users has led to the further development of more Android Apps. Hence, Java being a feature-rich language is the preferred choice of most app developers.

Some popular applications developed using Java are VLC Media Player, Twitter, See Weather, Spotify, and Telegram.

2. React Native

The best part about using React Native for developing mobile apps is that there is no need to maintain two separate code bases for iOS and Android. All the code can be written using Javascript. So, it leads to reduced cost and less time involved in the App development process. It has made app development more accessible, comfortable, and robust. This open-source framework was developed by Facebook. It is one of the most famous app development programming frameworks used to build cross-platform native mobile apps using Reacts and JavaScript.

React Native could be the best choice for projects involving easy functionality, rapid development, and an attractive interface.

Advantages of React Native App Development:

1.) The code written using React can be reused, which saves time and money.

2.) Apps developed using React Native have a responsive UI, excellent UX and their load time is also significantly less.

3.) Among all the cross-platforms, React Native has the strongest community support, making it industry popular and the number one choice among app developers.

Some of the popular applications developed using React Native are Myntra, UberEats, Facebook and Airbnb.

3. Swift

Swift is the most popular and widely-used programming language for iOS App development. It has most of the modern features that make the app development process more manageable and flexible. The apps developed using this language have lightning-fast speed, and the code is also safe by design. Mobile App Developers love to code in Swift due to its robustness and clean syntax. Before Swift, iOS App Development was very complex, time-consuming, and led to more app crashes. This language ensures to create a highly protected environment to develop a robust and stable solution.

Advantages of Swift App Development:

1.) It is a concise programming language that reduces LOC(Lines of Code), thereby making programming more efficient and less time-consuming.

2.) It has got the ability to maintain data at a faster pace. The tasks take less time to complete using Swift as opposed to using Objective C.

3.) It works in a highly interactive environment that helps developers see the output at the same time they are coding.

Some popular applications developed using Swift are Linkedin, Hipmunk, Yahoo Weather, Lyft, Whatsapp, and Instagram. 

4. Python

Python is a very fast, secure, and easy to deploy programming language which is widely used by businesses of all sizes! It allows cross-platform development of mobile apps. It is also a highly secure and feature-rich programming language. It helps develop scalable applications in a very short time. A programmer having a basic understanding of Python can easily build an entire app.

Advantages of Python App Development:

1.) It is easier to code using Python and even a newbie or a skilled programmer can quickly develop an app using it.

2.) The code written in Python can run on multiple platforms without involving any complexity. Thus, it is the most appropriate language to develop cross-platform apps.

3.) It is well suited to work for both small as well as large-scale projects.

Some of the popular applications developed using Python are Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram, and SurveyMonkey.

5. Kotlin

If we talk about Android App development, Kotlin has become one of the most popular languages for developing them. It is easier to code using this language as it involves very few lines of code. So, it is the preferred language nowadays by most app developers. It is the advanced version of Java. It easily coordinates with the existing Java code. It is most widely used for developing modern Android applications today.

Advantages of Kotlin App Development:

1.) It is a static-type programming language, making it easy to read and write.

2.) It helps synchronize multiple threads with simultaneous data modification making it a highly efficient programming language.

3.) The code written using Kotlin is clear, concise, and highly secure.

Some of the popular applications developed using Kotlin are Coursera, Evernote, SuperAwesome, and VMWare.


I hope the list above gave you a better insight into some of the most powerful and robust programming languages to develop highly robust mobile apps. You should always choose any programming language depending upon your app requirements as well as the cost. A host of options are available to develop apps of your choice, or you can also hire someone to do the work for you to take your business to the next level.

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