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Top Ten Powerful MS Access Features

Top Ten Powerful MS Access Features

7/3/2021 1:50:21 AM

Top Ten Powerful MS Access Features

Is Microsoft Access the ideal database application your business needs? Is your team that uses MS Access Features regularly familiar with the application as they’re with Excel, PowerPoint, or Word? Microsoft Access is relational database software that allows users to enter, organize, manage, and filter significant volumes of data and generate reports on a large scale. The application offers a perfect balance between the features of MS Excel that’s ideal for small data storage and performing several calculations and SQL Servers serving MNCs and larger teams.

A database development company understands the key role MS Access plays in an organization’s operations. It helps businesses manage vital information effectively by enabling convenient storing of data for future use, reporting, and analysis where authorized users have access to organized information whenever needed.

Initially, you may find the application a little complex to use but eventually becomes easy to perform several tasks. You can use it simultaneously with MS Excel to enjoy the dual benefits that boost operations. Take a closer look at the leading ten features of the revolutionary database application to leverage maximum benefits to boost individual and business performance and enhance sales.

Tell Me Function

Creating forms, queries, reports, and tables is a breeze with the Tell Me function that’s built into the application’s search bar. It’s a contemporary upgrade from the paperclip assistant, and you can resolve issues by typing your query in the search box. You can access functions quickly by just entering a keyword or a phrase. It’s a built-in digital assistant that does the task for you instead of instructing you to do it.

Anchoring Function

Advanced MS Access solutions include the anchoring function that lets users resize forms effortlessly. The revolutionary feature allows you to resize and reposition forms created by another user by just positioning the anchor rightly. You can achieve the control to ensure the distance between the position and the control is set automatically. The feature gives your form a professional look, and you can set the size horizontally or vertically with a single click. However, it doesn’t support font size adjusting.

Eliminate Duplicate Reports Using Report View

While Report View lets users easily locate reports they need, the smart feature eliminates fields not required for a specific purpose. Creating another identical report to eliminate duplication is a thing of the past. You can get the information you truly need and sort the same in a specific order or by a category.

Attachment and Multi-value Fields

As a Microsoft Access Programmer, you’ll be amazed by the ease at which you can store the instances or values needed to store with multivalued fields. Advanced database design is not needed, and you can integrate with SharePoint services instantly. The feature lets you store the names of all employees working on a common project in a single file.

The attachment feature allows the user to include multiple pieces of data together to store it in the database. You can easily store different files in a single field. The attachment feature lets you open a document and files without images easily for editing purposes.

Create Custom Solutions Using VBA Code

VBA code is a revolutionary programming language that has a command for specific programs. The powerful feature lets users place instructions that trigger actions automatically whenever the program is executed. The advanced automation feature supports multi-user functions, rectifies errors, and validates data.

Add Datasheet Totals Easily

A leading feature of Microsoft Access solutions is the ability to add database totals by adding the number of rows to the fields in the database. It will filter the list and display the data to the user. Click the total item on the records ribbon to arrive at the total row and enter the summary type for each column.

Setup as a Front End or Back End

Your employees can access the database directly that serves them as front-end systems. You can easily link the front-end database to the back-end database to ensure separation between the application and the data. It’s also a breeze to eliminate duplicate data to ensure the database runs smoothly. A custom software developer can help you create a database system that works as a front-end system.

A Larger Dialog Box

The improved dialog box lets you view an increased list of tables and queries in the database without navigating the tab or scrolling. It works by incorporating the sidebars and pop-ups to use the size relationship of the software.

Modernized Search Bar

While MS Access supports ETL development, the improved search bar lets users enter the file name to get instant results. The older versions required users to search for an item in the grid from the navigation pane directly which was frustrating and time-consuming. The search bar is located on the navigation pane for ease of usage.

Build and Publish Web Databases Effortlessly

As a Microsoft user, you have the option to design your own database from the scratch or create one using readily available templates that suit your requirements. While designing a web database is a cakewalk for a technical person, non-technical individuals need additional support to perform vital tasks. There’s a huge collection of free MS Access templates that already have the basic structure of the database in tables and forms. Just enter the data into the fields to publish web databases instantly.

The Conclusion

MS Access database program is a boon for any business looking for unique features that add immense value. The common benefits of the database application are well-known. These are the standout Microsoft Access features that are Application help individuals and businesses tap their hidden potential to scale and perform by setting a brand-new benchmark in the database domain.

Several remarkable improvements and additions reinforce MS Access as the preferred database management application by businesses of several sizes. These exemplary features ensure MS Access enjoys a continued reign in the modern business world that enables organizations to meet and overcome challenges, achieve clear-cut solutions, and be prepared for the dynamic conditions of the markets they’re operating in.

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