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How to Get More Followers on Pinterest

How to Get More Followers on Pinterest

1/17/2022 10:59:43 PM

Today, we will discuss “how to get more followers on Pinterest.” As of June 2021, Pinterest has 478 million monthly active users (MAU). The market value of Pinterest is $49.13 Billion. USA holds a share of 50% among MAU. According to a statistical report, most people use Pinterest for entertainment and learn different things. Bloggers categorically benefit from Pinterest to spread their content all over the world. Companies also use Pinterest for brand awareness, buy and selling, and promotional activities.

How to Get More Followers on Pinterest: Why is Pinterest Important?

The Pinterest platform is an effective tool that can help boost links to your site and drive more visitors to your website. It's more efficient at driving traffic back to a place above any other platform. The best content on Pinterest begins by creating high-quality images. Pins can lead to more backlinks.

There are numerous reasons Pinterest is a fantastic chance for businesses to grow. It can help you present your company and blog to a wider audience. One pin could be the start of ten pins, resulting in another ten pins and so on. Following are some essential points that enable you to understand why “How to get more Followers on Pinterest” is necessary.


The benefits of using Pinterest:

  • More awareness
  • Traffic to the blog from other blogs
  • New leads
  • Sales increase


Here are a few most commonly held misconceptions regarding Pinterest:

  • Only women use Pinterest (although females are still the majority).
  • People only pin wedding and food content (or travel, clothing, and home décor).
  • My ideal audience isn't on Pinterest.
  • I don't have time to join another social media platform.


You'd probably be shocked to learn:

  • Pinterest is among the most important traffic drivers of websites in the world.
  • The popularity of Pinterest is spread across generations.
  • Many believed Pinterest to be among the most rapidly growing websites ever.
  • Pinterest is 70% more popular and 3x more efficient at getting leads than Twitter.


Here are the six most important reasons you should consider using Pinterest for your company:

  1. Pinterest transforms users into buyers.
  2. Pinterest is the main driver of traffic (and plenty of it).
  3. Pins can help you get more links.
  4. The engagement of users is incredibly high.
  5. Pinterest is integrated into your web page, Facebook profile, and Twitter account.
  6. Find out what your target audience likes.


How to Get More Followers on Pinterest: Tips

Following are the tips for how to get more followers on Pinterest:

1. Complete your Pinterest Profile:

The first step in gaining followers on Pinterest is to optimize your profile. Profile completion is very important tip for how to get more followers on Pinterest. You'll want to draw the Pinterest users who are engaged with your Pins through clicks, saves, and even comments. To ensure that your followers enjoy your pins, optimize your profile to be discovered by the appropriate Pinterest users using keywords and optimized SEO practices.

The same keywords that you use to boost the visibility of your website for search engine optimization can be utilized to accomplish the same thing on Pinterest. Learn more about how to improve the quality of your Pinterest presence, including Pinterest profiles, boards, pins, and other aspects.

Here are some tips to make a good and attractive Pinterest profile:

A high-quality, eye-catching profile photo

  • Avoid logos
  • Avoid selfies
  • Make sure you have a bright, clear image representing the blog's subject matter and you
  • Choose a picture that is attractive even when shrinking to a tiny dimension

A keyword-rich, personality forward title and description

  • Niche boards with keyword-friendly tiles and descriptions.
  • Do you have boards that are put together and organized?
  • Are there enough boards that represent your followers' interests?

Awesome photos, matching cover.

  • Very easy to comprehend.
  • Eye-catching and pretty.

High-quality content is shared regularly with your boards.

  • Pinterest tips
  • Remove horizontal pins
  • Remove "ugly" pins

2. Create Sections (Boards) on Your Pinterest Profile:

First, we should know what sections in Pinterest are and their importance.

Consider it an additional board within the main one. You can segment your boards into sub-niche subjects or examine your blog's specific niche and look at the primary issues you've got for your site. 

For instance, let's say you have a new board. It is possible to add the following sections:

  • Call to action
  • Quotes
  • Digital Marketing
  • Website Development
  • Mobile App Development

Sections are only for boards. These sections can be on your boards, your group boards (that you created), and even other group boards you belong to. Yes, you can create a section on someone else’s group board.

How do your sections become more organized to get followers?

  • Move duplicate or similar boards. If you have similar board sections, you can move all your pins from similar boards into one board with sections.
  • Use it to plan your holidays. A great way to use sections is to create a secret gift board and section it with the people you want to give gifts.
  • Niche down your board. You can pick one board, create sub-categories for that board, and choose the pins you want to add to your sections.

Now, here are some tips to adding a section in Pinterest profile:

  • Select the board you wish to create sections on and then add those sections. Select 'add sections” and then write down your subject.
  • Include the section. After that, click “’organize' to the top” and select the pins you would like to use for this section. You can also search for another board that has a similar subject and locate pins on the board by clicking on "organize" and selecting pins on that board.
  • Click on the move button and choose.

3. Choose the Relevant Keywords & Hashtags:

Pinterest is, in essence, an engine for searching. Therefore, your content needs to be optimized for searchability. Be sure that your descriptions are rich in keywords and contain relevant hashtags to ensure you are found in the relevant search results.

How to locate the appropriate keywords and hashtags:

  • Utilize the guided search feature. Begin by typing several keywords in Pinterest's search bar. Keep track of the automatic suggestion.
  • Take note of the word bubbles with keywords in the search results header.
  • Check out the suggested hashtags and usage statistics when you include hashtags in the Pin descriptions.
  • Look up a relevant hashtag and examine the tags and keywords utilized by Pinners who use that hashtag.
  • Check out the most popular hashtags for your particular category (only accessible on this mobile app).
  • Take a look at the following 10 Tools for SEO That Can Help the Social Media Marketer and Manager .

It is possible to apply this principle to your profile, too. Consider, for instance, adding an explanation of your profile name, such as Hootsuite (Social Media Management). Your profile will more likely be found in keyword searches this way. It is particularly useful when you're an entrepreneur and want to draw attention to your specialties.

There's more than just one; there are many reasons to consider hashtags, in the form of an element of the marketing strategy on Pinterest in 2021. Utilizing popular hashtags is the best method to get your website noticed if used the correct way. Hashtags can work well on Pinterest and provide numerous advantages:

1.Tags that promote pins to the greater public

Utilizing the right hashtags to match the pin's description increases the chances of getting more hits and saves the pin than with no hashtags. If you're trying to increase the number of people who follow you on Pinterest, you must add the proper hashtags in your description of your pins. It will allow you to gain access to new followers and increase your brand's visibility.

2. The hashtag can boost your search ranking on Pinterest. 

Yes! It's true! Utilizing hashtags correctly in the description of your Pinterest pin, you tag the pin to a several categories. Therefore, if someone searches for content with similar hashtags or keywords, they'll also be able to see your image.

3. Increases the amount of traffic to your site:

Every pin you put on Pinterest allows you to include your website's URL or a product page that lets people know more about your services and work. Choose the right hashtags and content that are of high quality on Pinterest. You'll be able to increase traffic to your blog, particularly those interested in similar products or content that you create.

4. Join Relevant Group Boards:

Pinterest group boards are developed to promote collaboration and growth among Pinners, especially those with similar goals. Users utilize group boards to boost the number of pins they share because people who follow one of the members on the group board would be more likely to view the pins on their feed.

As that wasn't the goal to create group boards, Pinterest has restricted their distribution pins within group boards to the members of the board and only encouraging true collaboration.

There are four simple methods to locate collaboration boards on Pinterest. Here, we'll provide comprehensive steps for each!

Perform a Pinterest Board Browse:

The Pinterest Board search is often the first step to begin. It's simple to perform, although it can be a bit tedious. Here's how:

  • You can type a topic that is relevant to your Pinterest account in the Pinterest search bar
  • You can refine search results by pressing "All pins" next to the search bar and then choosing "Boards."
  • Find a circle icon near the bottom of the Board title, which has numerous profile images.

Go Through Your Competitors' Pinterest Group Boards:

Take a look at the other Pinterest profiles from your industry to determine what boards your competitors contribute.

Here's how to locate the collaborative boards on Pinterest run by similar accounts:

  • Visit their Pinterest page.
  • Click "Saved" to see their Boards.
  • Find several profile icons beside the Pinterest Board title.

Find Facebook Groups on the Lookout to Find Pinterest Board Owners:

You may also look into numerous Groups on Facebook filled with people seeking board members. You'll see a range of niches, industries, and groups focused on a particular topic on Facebook. Ask to join groups that are the most pertinent to your Pinterest account's topics. These are likely to be the most influential Pinterest groups for your marketing plan.

Utilize the Pinterest Board Search Engine & Group Board Search Engine

A simpler option is to utilize If I'm looking for Marketing Boards that I can join, I type in "Marketing" and scroll through the results. "Score" (out of 100) is determined by factors like re-pin rates as well as the number of collaborators, followers' growth, etc.

5. Use Attractive and Beautiful Visuals:

As per Pinterest, the top-performing pins share four commonalities: They're beautiful, fascinating, engaging, and useful. In this order.

Pinterest is, first and foremost, an image-based platform, so make sure to use attractive images.

These are just a couple of Pinterest image tips:

  • Choose vertically oriented images over horizontal photos. An astounding 85% of people use Pinterest for mobile searches, meaning that vertical photos have a greater impact.
  • Try video! Video clips are short and can make a statement amid the most stunning images.
  • Make use of high-resolution images and high-quality resolutions.
  • According to Pinterest, it recommends the use images that reflect more appealing lifestyles than stock photos of products.
  • Beware of images that are too busy.
  • You could consider showing several products in one Pin. Pinterest discovers that Pins that contain multiple products attract diverse tastes and inspire interest. It is recommended to keep the limit of four products per Pin to not overload them.

6. Use More Infographics in Visuals:

Infographics blend data visualization with appealing images and graphics, which allows them to communicate educational, entertaining, or difficult topics with ease and nobody is enthralled by information graphics more than on Pinterest. On Pinterest, you can add up to whatever the size of your photo is. That's why it's a great platform for infographics. You could spend countless hours looking through the amazing images that others have posted or find other accounts to follow or create your infographic and then re-pin your top photos.

7. Re-pin the Best Performing Pins:

Re-pins are when you add images you come across when browsing Pinterest to your Pinterest board. If you re-pin pin, the person who originally re-pinned the image will be recognized. Re-pins retain the source URL of the image regardless of how many times you re-pin it. Liking a pin can add image to the “Likes” page of your profile. The picture is not added to any of your boards.

Re-pinning images allows you to classify the image on the appropriate board. You can alter the description of re-pinning. The link to the source of an image is automatically saved.  Regardless of the number of times, it's been re-pinned. Re-pinning is a good method to promote your content to a wider audience of Pinterest users. When you make pins that are share-worthy, you'll see more people click on your content and eventually bring more visitors to your website. Here are the top five tips to increase your saves on Pinterest:

  • Create content that is relevant and practical
  • Select the optimal size of a pin
  • Use keywords and descriptions.
  • Check your Pinterest analytics to see your most popular content that drives traffic.
  • Check that your site is Pinterest compatible.

8. Add Your Pinterest on Other Profiles:

When creating or updating pages, as well as profiles for other networks, check whether you can add Pinterest to your existing social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn or website links. It will let your followers who are on different networks find your Pinterest account. Below, you will see how you can connect Pinterest to your Facebook profile. It will help you gain Pinterest followers for your business profile.

9. Be Active and Helpful:

Attract followers with a description of the advantages associated with your product or service.

"Positive sentiment can go a long way to show how a Pin from your company can assist users in their daily lives," says Kevin Knight; the former director of Agency and Brand Strategy at Pinterest.

Be personal and use "you" as well as "you’re" in your copy as well to let readers let them know that you're speaking to them.

Compared with other social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Plus, where posting 3-4 times per day is sufficient to produce results, your activity levels should be greater on Pinterest.

The process of creating visual content is difficult enough and the same can be said about curating compelling written content. If you are looking to get results, you need to make content that appeals to your readers. It should be relevant, useful, informative, and captivating enough to inspire your reader to pursue the desired reaction.

This list needs a title/description

  • Create a Pinterest schedule
  • Take a trip back into the past history of your Pinterest profile.
  • Post your favorite blogs.
  • Create contests
  • Review the quality of your Pin Board.
  • Develop a content writing plan.
  • Keep sharing
  • Write thoughtful and insightful comments
  • Integrate Pinterest with other social media profiles

10. A/B Test your Pins:

Is it vital to be aware of these questions regarding the A/B test on Pinterest? What's the goal of an A/B Test? How do we make an A/B test for Pinterest? Here are the answers:

Process for A/B Testing on Pinterest

The world of Pinterest A/B testing happens when creating 2 different pins for the same website link to determine which of the pins generates more clicks. A few variations include:

  • The same images are used in both pins but with alternate text.
  • The same text is used for both pins with different images.
  • Changing the font or hue of the text.
  • You can adjust the size by adjusting the pictures or the length of the pin.

Why do people do A/B testing on Pinterest?

A/B testing, or split testing, aims to run two tests with two different marketing variables to find out what results in a higher conversion rate.

In the case of advertisements on Pinterest, the variables you choose to test could include your copy, call-to-action, as well as visual aspect. A/B testing these variables will help you understand the things that resonate with your target audience and you'll be in a position to create ads that deliver the right message to the right people at the right time.

11. Be Focused on Your Target Audience:

Audience targeting is the process where you can build an audience based on your site's visitors, email list, or other Pinterest audience factors. After you click on the button to make a brand-new audience, it will take you to a brand-new dashboard where you can begin. Hit the orange “Create Audience” button to the right of the screen to select the type of audience you wish to create.

The idea of targeting a specific segment of people will give you an initial audience before creating a more specific target according to the particular advertising content, product, or service that you're promoting. Once you've selected the people, you'd like to focus on click next, and then name your target audience. Follow all the remaining steps before moving on to the next option for targeting. The market you choose to target may appear exclusive, but it does not suggest excluding people who don't fit your specifications. Identifying your target audience lets your business concentrate its marketing efforts and resources on those who will most likely purchase from you. In this way, you will get leads from business customers effectively and at a reasonable cost way.

How to Get More Followers on Pinterest: The Conclusion

Hopefully, you have found all the following steps and tips helpful for growing you Pinterest account and following!


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